

Gala Espel is a French architect and designer working between Paris and Tokyo. 

Her field of creation is rooted in research and crafts from which emerge narratives and forms investigating how to collectively rethink design. Graduated from Camondo, Paris and ECAL in Switzerland in 2022, she sets foot in Japan after winning a competition held by Le Bon Marché and studio nendo. She asserts her role on know hows the same year with the opening set design of the Chanel building dedicated to métiers d’art. 

Laureate of the French Ministry of Culture call for projects, resident at Villa Albertine in New York, her international practice is imbued with a research into culture, reflecting on the long term between industry and crafts, and on the objects themselves and their relationship to mankind and to life. 
Her work has been exhibited at the Museum of Decorative Arts in Paris, Paris and Milan Design Weeks, DESIGNART Tokyo, Design Miami and in several design institutions. 

This year, she is presenting her latest research on paper, “Semis”.

ガラ・エスペルは、パリと東京を拠点に活動するフランスの建築家 ・デザイナー。
数々の受賞歴を持つ。彼女の創作活動はリサーチとクラフトに根ざしており、そこからストーリーやフォルムが生まれる。多文化の視点と、職人とのコラボレーションを通して「デザイン」を絶えず再考する。パリのカモンドデザイン学院、スイスのECAL学院で学ぶ。2022年卒業。在学中の2020年、studio nendo のコンペで優勝、日本での活動を始める。同年、シャネル「19M 」のオープニング装飾デザインを手がけ、熟練した職人技術への自身の役割を示した。




La Prairie
French Ministry of Culture
Villa Albertine + Mobilier National
Fondation Bettencourt Schueller





Solo exhibition
at BaBaBa.
Tokyo, JP, October 2024.

Finalist Fondation Bettencourt Schueller Dialogue Prize.
“Metamorphose” with Surya Mathew.
Paris FR, May 2024.

“Archaeology of the Future”
Best of Show at Design Miami. 
Partnership with Mobilier National and Villa Albertine.
Miami, US, December 2023.

Conference, “The beginning of the rest of your life“.
PechaKucha Night 
Tokyo, October 2023.

UNDER 30 selection, DESIGNART, Tokyo Design Week.
“Archaeology of the Future,” design research and silver objects 
at TIERS Gallery, Omotesando. 
Tokyo JP, October 2023.

Finalist Design Parade Hyères.
“Archaeology of the Future” at Villa Noailles.
Hyères FR, June-September 2023.

Villa Albertine Resident “Crafts and Design” 
in partnership with WantedDesign 
and Fondation Bettencourt Schueller, 
New York “Objects in Dialogue,” a collaboration 
with eight Brooklyn craftsmen at Industry City.
New-York US, April-June 2023.

Set design “Île“ for choreographer Mathieu Guilhaumon 
and étoile Marie Agnès Gilot, July 2023.
Research project “Île” and set design, laureate of French Ministry of Culture 
“Mondes Nouveaux”, Beaux Arts de Paris.
Paris FR, 2022-2023.

Set design for le 19M, dedicated to Chanel métiers d’art, Paris.
“Making of” opening installation.
Paris FR, February 2022.

Exhibition at Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris. 
Research project and object collection “Poc a poc.”
Paris FR, January 2022.

Paris Design Week exhibition
Research project “Poc a poc.”
Paris FR, September 2021.

Collective set design “Teatro del Giorno”  at Palazzo Litta, Milan Design Week.
Milan IT, April 2019.


Lula Japan, Gala Espel 自然界からの影響を思慮する探求の旅へ, October 2024.

ELLE DECOR Japan, May 2024.

Interni Magazine, French Touch, February 2024.

Design Milk, Villa Albertine + Mobilier National present rising French design stars, January 2024.

Le Figaro, Culture, December 2023.

Milk Decoration, Design Miami/ 2023, December 2023.

Dezeen, Design Miami 2023, December 2023.

Whitewall, Moments from Design Miami 2023, December 2023.

Formfaktor, Best of Show, Design Miami/Awards 2023, December 2023.

Design Miami, Best of Show, December 2023.

Lula Mag, Interview|Gala Espel, 気鋭クリエイターが語る、デザインの力と今日的意義, November 2023.

designboom, DESIGNART Tokyo 2023 Highlights, October 2023.

Time Out Japan, DESIGNART Tokyo opens with 5 Highlights, October 2023

Design Anthology, What to See at DESIGNART TOKYO 2023, October 2023.

hash casa, 視点が生み出す繊細な作品群をTIERS GALLERYで展示, October 2023.

The Japan Times, Designart’s young creator foreshadow the future, October 2023.

Tecture Mag,「DESIGNART TOKYO 2023」10/20より開催, October 2023.

FuoriSalone.it, Designart Tokyo 2023: Sparks - Freeing your Thoughts, October 2023.

World Architecture, Highlights, October 2023.

OnBeat, DESIGNART TOKYO 2023 UNDER 30・公式会場決定, October 2023.

Bijutsutecho,「DESIGNART TOKYO 2023」 が10月20日より開催, October 2023.

Beyond Magazine, UNDER 30, September 2023.

Lula Mag, DESIGNART 2023, June 2023.

Design Shanghai, The debut works of 10 new designers, June 2023.

Aoyama Design Forum,「DESIGNART TOKYO 2023」のキービジュアルが公開, May 2023.

GOODMOODS, 7 designers finalistes Design Parade Hyères 2023, April 2023.

Marie Claire, Design Parade 2023, March 2023.

Elle Deco, Design Parade 2023: Les étoiles montantes, March 2023.

baunetz id, Dedon Studio x ECAL , March 2023.

Wallpaper, Dedon and ECAL interpret lighting through a natural lens, February 2023.

IDEAT, Villa Albertine, February 2023.

IDEAT, Les 10 finalistes du festival Design Parade, February 2023.

Le Point, Découvrir les mains du luxe, January 2022.

Eyes on Talents, Design for Good, December 2021.

IDEAT, Milan Design Week, May 2019.

Elle Decor Italia, Fuori Salone, April 2019.

France 2, La nouvelle garde française, April 2019.


PARIS 75014
TOKYO 153-0052